In questo periodo dell’anno, mentre le luci del Natale illuminano le nostre case e ci avviciniamo alle feste, vogliamo dedicare un pensiero speciale a voi, Lavoratrici e Lavoratori dell’Agroalimentare.
Il vostro impegno quotidiano, spesso svolto con dedizione silenziosa e sacrificio, è la forza che alimenta non solo le nostre tavole, ma anche il #cuore della nostra comunità.
#Grazie al vostro lavoro, garantite #qualità, #sicurezza e #tradizione, sostenendo un settore che è il pilastro della nostra economia e della nostra cultura.
Il 2025 si avvicina, e con esso nuove sfide, ma anche nuove opportunità. Con la stessa passione che dimostrate ogni giorno, siamo certi che continueremo a costruire insieme un futuro ricco di soddisfazioni e prosperità.
Auguriamo a voi e alle vostre famiglie un Natale di serenità, gioia e meritato riposo, e un anno nuovo pieno di speranza e successi.
Grazie, di cuore, per tutto quello che fate.
At this time of year, as the Christmas lights illuminate our homes and we approach the holidays, we want to dedicate a special thought to you, Agri-Food Workers.
Your daily commitment, often carried out with silent dedication and sacrifice, is the force that fuels not only our tables, but also the #heart of our community.
#Thanks to your work, you guarantee #quality, #safety and #tradition, supporting a sector that is the pillar of our economy and our culture.
2025 is approaching, and with it new challenges, but also new opportunities. With the same passion you demonstrate every day, we are certain that we will continue to build a future full of satisfaction and prosperity together.
We wish you and your families a Christmas of serenity, joy and well-deserved rest, and a new year full of hope and success.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything you do.
At this time of the year, when Christmas lights illuminate our homes and we approach the festive period, we would like to dedicate a special thought to you, the Agribusiness Workers.
Your daily commitment, often carried out with silent dedication and sacrifice, is the force that feeds not only our tables, but also the #heart of our community.
#Thanks to your work, you guarantee #quality, #safety and #tradition, supporting a sector that is the pillar of our economy and culture.
2025 is approaching along with new challenges, but also new opportunities. With the same passion that you demonstrate every day, we are confident that we will continue to build together a future full of satisfaction and prosperity.
We wish you and your families a Christmas of serenity, joy and well-deserved rest, and a New Year full of hope and success.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for all your daily effort
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